A huge thank you to everyone who has dropped off donations this past week! We would not be able to do this without your help.
We've put together a list of everything that has been dropped off just this week:
Water bottles
40 pk: 3 cases
32 pk: 6 cases
28 pk: 1 case
24 pk: 1 case
Water Jugs: 2
12 pk: 2
8 pk: 1
Power Ade
11 bottles
Pasta: 40 pkgs
Canned Food: 29 cans
Paper Towels
6 pk: 2
2 pk: 2
Single: 27
Toilet Paper
30 pk: 1
16 pk: 1
12 pk: 2
4 pk: 15
Tissue: 3 boxes
Brooms: 3
Mops: 2
Trash bags
200 pk: 1
80 pk: 1
192 pk: 1
84 pk: 1
37 pk: 1
32 pk: 1
96 pk: 5
50 pk: 2
Cleaning Wipes
125 pk: 1
85 pk: 1
80 pk: 6
75 pk: 2
50 pk: 5
35 pk: 8
Hand Soap
24 pk: 5
Individual: 10
Soap: 17
Laundry Detergent: 8
Cleaning Solution: 16
Bleach: 13
50 pk: 1
Individual: 4
Christmas Lights: 8 boxes

We are grateful!!
If you are wanting to participate in this drive please drop off items to be donated at:
Legacy Global Headquarters
1423 S. Higley Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85206
Mon - Fri 9am-4pm
Also please keep in mind before dropping off donations that we will not take expired food.
Items Requested for drive:
-Cleaning Supplies
-Hand Sanitizers
-Disinfectant Wipes
-Hand or Liquid Soaps
-Masks or homemade cloth masks
-Trash Bags
-Bottled Water
-Paper products (Paper Towels, Toilet Paper)
-Food Boxes for Quarantined Families
-Mop Heads/Mop Sticks
-Laundry Soap
-Baby Diapers
This drive will end Jan. 1st, 2021.